Slight Right 47

33 Amazing Advantages of Homeschooling

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Are you considering homeschooling?

I am so proud of you as I know it’s not an easy decision to make and COVID-19 is making these decisions regarding our children’s education even harder. I support your decision 100% and will share my successes (and misses) with you. My hope is for you to undertake this endeavor with eyes wide open!

When I made the final decision to homeschool my children, it was due to an extreme negative change in my son’s personality within just six short weeks of entering first grade. It turned tragic so quickly and I wasted no time and sprung to immediate action to take back control of my child’s education and well-being.

Since the day I chose to withdraw my son, I’ve never looked back. Yes, there have been sacrifices and frustrations along the way but, the advantages far outweigh any of those.

Here are the top 33 advantages I’ve discovered on our journey:

33 Advantages of Homeschooling

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1. Allowing Your Child to Pursue Personal Interests

There is something so magical about watching your child get excited about learning. It’s nearly impossible to find that excitement when public school mandates what is to be taught. We homeschoolers are free to allow our children to pursue learning about what piques their interest.

During the Presidential Election in 2016, my son was curious about how the US Presidents are elected into office. We halted our history lessons for a few weeks to engage an entire study of the electoral college, political parties, branches of government, history of the White House and studied details of every past US President. Such fun and I personally adored my son’s engagement in the lessons as it was something he was personally invested in learning about. He asked questions and never tired of learning more. Now that it is election year again, he is very interested in the election and follows the stories closely.

2. Homeschooling offers Flexibility in Daily Schedule

School schedules were rough on my son! Mornings were hectic and getting breakfast into him as he was scrambling out the door was always a fiasco. When his school decided to change lunchtime from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, he could even barely get a few bites in before they were being shuffled off to recess! His outside time included two 15-minute recesses and one 20-minute recess, which would be taken away if his schoolwork was not completed. My son, who has ADHD, really struggled with both of these issues as his ADHD symptoms are highly exacerbated without proper nutrition and sufficient outside time.

Since we have transitioned to homeschool, he’s able to focus on his studies without the added pressures of how long he gets to eat, when he can eat, go outside, go to the bathroom, or if he didn’t finish his assignments on time.

3. Freedom From School Schedule and Allowing Children Learn at Their Own Pace

To piggy-back on the above point on a larger scale, homeschoolers are not bound to the academic schedule of the school. Children can speed up if they are able to move faster through their curriculum or slow down and study at their pace without the pressures to keep up. My daughter is Dyslexic and thrives in homeschool. She is a slower reader so moving through books takes her a bit longer but, she gets there!

My daughter also has Dyscalculia and occasionally, when she is working on her math lessons, I see her become overwhelmed, and her ability to take in and retain information literally stops. Because I am her Momma, I recognize her struggle and can offer what she needs in these moments. This is an impossibility in a public school as the teacher is bound to her academic schedule. My daughter also learns self-care and the ability to honor her own needs, without shame or guilt of requiring a break.

BONUS: Sometimes, kids just don’t understand a new concept being taught. Regardless of various techniques, there is a mental wall and they get stuck. Luckily, there is no rush to push through…we stay right there in the lesson until it clicks. It’s a blessing! No rush. No pressure. And, there are no grades to shame them when they miss. Nothing says ‘F’ for failure. Nope! Instead, they get to try and try again until the light bulb clicks, and then we celebrate together.

4. Homeschooling Utilizes Tools Not traditionally Offered in Public Schools

One or both of my children use various tools including mind-mapping apps, voice to text, Franklin spellers, homework timers, and other apps to assist them with schoolwork.

My daughter, who has Dyslexia, can voice to text her thoughts onto a document and create a well thought out paper. By unschooling our minds, we learn there are alternate means to write that may not look the same in the traditional sense of writing but, the end result is the same.

My son has ADHD and his brain is loud and busy so organizing his thoughts to write a paper is challenging for him. By the use of mind-mapping, it organizes his ideas into a logical, organized, well-written essay.

5. Learning Alongside your Children

In the six years I have been homeschooling, I have learned so many fun things with my kids! I had no idea how much I didn’t know about the US Presidents and how they are elected until our study on them. Plus, OMG, why didn’t I learn math THIS way??? Seriously!

6. Roadschooling

This is one of my favorite advantages of homeschooling! Planning an adventure and creating an on-the-road learning experience is priceless! Being outside and on the road is a far better learning experience than any book or classroom can offer. We have studied at the Grand Canyon, a meteor site in Arizona, viewed a globular cluster through a telescope that was built in 1895 in Flagstaff at Lowell Observatory, learned about the Redwoods in California…the road-school opportunities are endless! Check out my post here on how to roadschool.

7. Flexibility to Travel When Others are in School

Take those road-schooling opportunities when other kiddos are still in school! Traveling on off-peak dates means less busy destinations, less traffic…plus, it’s much less spendy! WHOO HOO! Bonus!

8. Homeschooling Saves Money

Let’s be honest. School costs money! A lot! Homeschooling can be much less expensive than public school. Additionally, there are many free resources for parents to use.

BONUS: Taxpayers do not have to pay for our children’s homeschooling education.

9. Individual Attention

Your homeschooled child will be uber blessed with one-on-one attention from YOU! You know your child best, how they learn, and their emotional needs. The satisfaction in knowing you are providing an amazing safety net for your child to learn freely and openly, and without guilt or shame…is priceless.

10. Deeper Parent-Child Bond, Engagement, and Involvement

Spending this time with your child is essential for the mental health of both of you. Watching your child grow and learn, without outside demands or expectations, is a precious gift.

BONUS: One of my favorite benefits of homeschooling is seeing first hand when one of my kids really understands a concept, seeing that light bulb click, followed by the pride they feel. They get to own that moment completely. Witnessing these moments myself rather than hearing about it from their teacher later, is truly a priceless gift.

11. When Child is Sick, No Pressure to Hurry and Recover

It’s inevitable. Our kiddos get sick. But, at home, their recovery time has no pressure or fear of falling behind. My son suffers from chronic migraines. When one comes on, he’s out for the remainder of the day. We simply close up shop and pick up the next day where we left off.

12. Community Involvement

Lessons take significantly less time than traditional public schools and can easily be completed by lunchtime. This leaves time to volunteer and give back to the community. Both of my children have assisted at numerous dog adoption events.

13. No Homework in Homeschooling

Another favorite benefit of mine! When your child has completed their schoolwork, it’s done. Once they understand and grasp the concept, or learn the information, no further work needs to be done.

14. Time for Extra-Curricular Activities, Outside Time, and Socializing

Another fantastic benefit of finishing early in the day (and not being held hostage to homework) is all the extra time to play outside, (socially distant) visits with friends, and before COVID, engaging in sports or other extra-curricular activities.

15. Positive Mental Health and Well-Being of Child Due to No Peer Pressure or Social Anxiety

Without cliques, peer pressure, bullies, and academic pressures often found in standard public schools, mental health can soar for homeschooled kiddos. We spend time emotionally coaching our kids, talking about appropriate communication and reactions to situations, discuss what healthy friendships and relationships look like, love, inclusivity, equality, etc. Because there are so many parents involved with children, pack behavior and bullying is easily avoided and is fairly non-existent. By the time homeschool children reach the age where they can hang out with friends alone, they’ve already established their values, morals, personality, and behaviors learned during their early formative years and will continue on that journey.

16. Teacher to Student Ratio

In a classroom setting, there are +/- 30-ish children and one adult. In that environment, it’s already tough enough for one adult to lead the classroom and be solely responsible for the education of the kids so it is not possible to monitor all the relationships and interactions of the children. The strongest personality will stand out, cliques inevitably form, and bullying behavior is not well monitored. Because homeschoolers are prominently led by their parents, it makes the teacher to student ratio manageable!

17. Friendships of All Ages

Homeschool does not depend on grade levels so when the children congregate, friendships of all ages are created based on common interests.

18. Raise Compassionate Adults

In a traditional educational setting, children migrate to each other and learn social and emotional behavior from each other without the guidance or supervision of an adult. When children are homeschooled, there is a much higher involvement from the parents allowing us to guide our children and coach them through emotional regulation, compassion, empathy, equality, inclusivity, and love.
Often, older kids and teens become mentors and guide the younger kiddos.

19. Open Minded and Critical Thinkers

Because homeschoolers are allowed to think freely and are not under mandated forced education regimes, they become independent problem-solvers and critical thinkers.

20. Teach Different Viewpoints

Free thinking children are able to learn and see things from various perspectives. We strive to create an environment that cultivates many viewpoints to allow for a safe, open place to discuss opinions and perspectives.

21. Teach Your Family Values

What are your core family values? Being home, kiddos are more exposed to your family’s morals and values and it will naturally become deeply ingrained as a part of their character.

22. Customized Learning for all Learning Types

My son is a very hands-on learner and needs lots of snack breaks and time to move his body due to lots of ADHD symptoms. My daughter learns slower and needs lots of additional tools to assist with her Dyslexia. She needs mental breaks often in order to retain and absorb information. I am able to be flexible with their learning styles and customize their schedules to maximize their learning.

23. Learning Life Skills

Homeschooled children have ample time outside of academics to learn many life skills! From daily household responsibilities to grocery shopping, working on cars, money-management, cooking, baby or pet-sitting, communication, and the list goes on!

24. Pursue Personal Talent

Whatever your child is interested in, be it dance, Motocross, baseball, creating music, etc., homeschool allows time for them to dive in, get creative, practice, and truly accel within their skills and talents

25. Allow for Safe Controversial Discussions

When a controversial conversation pops up, we address it and openly discuss both sides of the issue. Homeschool allows a safe environment for kids to ask questions, and even consider a side that may not be the popular vote in the house. But, it breeds healthy debates and may open another’s mind to a side not thought of before.

31. Adapt and Re-Evaluate Curriculum

As homeschoolers, we adapt to new schedules and curricula often. We are able to re-evaluate what is working and what is not. Sometimes, what worked the previous year, might not be as effective and we change things up.

32. Allows for Good Nutrition and Self-Care

Instead of cramming nutrition in microdoses of time, my children can eat when their bodies tell them they are hungry and they have plenty of time for meals, exercise, and outside time. Learning healthy habits and listening to their body’s needs is critical to long term healthy habits.

32. Instill a Life-Long Love of Learning

Because homeschool kiddos can pursue personal interests, they learn to love learning! Without forced mandates to educate based on the school’s requirements, children can learn an endless amount of information because they want to, not because they have to.

33. The Teacher’s Pet

My children will always and forever be the teacher’s pet!

And so much more!

💡 Calling all Veteran Homeschoolers! What awesome advantages have you found from homeschooling your kiddos? Please leave your comments here!

There are many benefits to homeschooling and this family wouldn’t trade it for the world. As you begin your journey, please come back and share your stories with me. I love to hear them all…

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